Are you looking for some pointers about drop shipping for beginners? Drop shipping for the first time can involve a learning curve. There are a lot of different aspects to it that make it different form other online business models. Drop shipping in reality is also very different from what...
Why should I start an eCommerce business when it seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry is going online? If you’ve asked this question, you’re not alone. A lot of regular Joes with no experience in business as well as long-time entrepreneurs have shied away from the idea. Scores of...
Did you know that as popular as it is, there are so many controversial misconceptions about drop shipping? Drop shipping is a very popular eCommerce model that the Internet has been all abuzz about over the past several years. Drop shipping has come to be known as one of the...
Every entrepreneur has a few eCommerce tools that they use to help them build their business. Whether it’s simple tools like Google Sheets or highly-specialized software to guide operations, we all have something. The simpler tools work well enough for our purposes in the beginning. But as a business grows,...
Have you been thinking that you should get started in eCommerce? Are you excited to get into gear and make the dream happen? Many people get caught up in the rush of the digital age. They all want to become instant millionaires, driven by the call of the Internet glow....
Selling on Black Friday holds more opportunity than on any other day of the year. eCommerce business owners need to grab this opportunity to make the most of the Black Friday shopping frenzy. If you miss this, there will be no better chance to make a killing until November rolls...
Many brands the world over are remembered because of their visual identity. They were not built on simple simple visual elements, of course. However, these elements play an important role in how they are perceived. The look of the brand as it is represented by such visuals is a unique...
Yet Another Mail Merge is the best lead generation tool that you could have for your startup. It is such a simple tool to use yet packs powerful features for your campaigns. Yet Another Mail Merge is also free, with enough features to serve well, even for a growing business....
Startup website design is an important part of building your online presence. Creating your business website is one of the basic tasks that you will be focusing on at this point. It’s important to get that website done right so that it accurately reflects your brand. It will many times...
Do you find it difficult to keep track of the action steps that you have mapped out for each month? Does it get confusing when you end up working on different steps or milestones at the same time? You probably already have your quarterly goals and your monthly goals set...
Startup hustle is a term that entrepreneurs hear and use all the time. But what is it, really? How do you know it, and get it? Do you even need it? Why? Today we tackle startup hustle and attempt to clarify these questions that go through the mind of every...
Having the right startup communication strategies could mean success or failure for your business, especially within its first year. This is the time during which you are likely going to be setting up your business’s core team. These are those few key people who you have specially chosen to play...
Are you an aspiring business owner? Have you struggled with your startup vision? You are not alone. Many entrepreneurs find this small piece of paper a daunting challenge. I’m sure that you know who you are. And I’m guessing that you have a pretty good idea of what you want...
I’m guessing that getting a professional email account is not on your list of top priorities. Your current business email address is probably not even one of the many things on your mind right now as a startup entrepreneur. It’s just an email, right? How vital can it be to...
So you have this awesome skill and you know you can sell it. But what would your startup expenses be like? Starting a business can cost you big time. Even if it’s just you building a presence to get the word out, you can end up bleeding cash. It doesn’t...
Are you looking to take your startup planning a step further? This monthly goals template will help you to plot out each month in detail. If you have done your Startup Planning Quarterly Goals and found it useful, our monthly goals template is a logical next step. Taking your planning...
Did you complete a startup planning process before you launched your business? Startup planning is very important, even if what you have is just a short list or chart based on your general goals. You need to be able to see where your company will be after at least the...
Startup founders can have such a great time launching a business together. It can sometimes be tricky, however, if you end up stepping on each other’s toes all the time. Dissolving the partnership and going off on your own is not the only answer to this problem. It may not...
Finding the perfect version of your minimum viable product is one of the important steps for any bootstrapped startup. Cashflow is tight when you’re starting a business, and especially so when running a lean operation. You need to know how you can pinpoint the best version of you minimum viable...
When starting a business, one of the first things that you need to do is research your competition. You need to know who else is in the line of business that you are about to enter. This is an important step because it shows you what you need to do...

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